
Darth Vader Blogs

"Yes Luke, search your feelings, I am a Blogger!" In my effort to keep up with most things Star Wars it appears that the Dark Lord now has a blog. In his post from 4-23-2005 (I have no idea how he is blogging in our reality space and time) he writes:
The probe droids have detected an illegal settlement.
Mood: optimistastic!
There is a bit of bounce in my step today, notwithstanding the fact that all the diodes down the left side of my leg seem finally to be functioning smoothly. I ate a full breakfast in my hyperbaric chamber while listening to really loud music (Qui'hut Xillermott's Sonata No.26) and then popped out to tour the bridge.
Admiral Ozzel rushed up to me, that officious little face of his trembling to contain a vulgar jubilation. "Lord Vader, we've found something!"

or in a reply to comments:

Darth Vader said...

Dear Winston,

Your sardony bears the stain of the Old Republican mind: unfettered liberalism breeding questioning and hesitation when decisiveness is key.

This is the cornerstone of the New Order.


D. Vader

That's it I'm a fan. Keep blogging Vader. It lets me know that as much as I may think I have become addicted to blogging there is so much farther to fall.

for more see:
The Darthside