
Pink Plates Proposed For Sex Offenders

Ohio wants to create a permanant underlclass through scarlet letter approach.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Some Ohioans convicted of drunken driving can be seen driving vehicles with yellow license plates. If one Ohio lawmaker has his way, sexual predators could soon have to drive vehicles with pink license plates.

The bright yellow license plates help law enforcement officers recognize drivers with multiple DUI convictions.

"We've sold over 16,000 in the past five years," said Fred Stratmann, of the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

The pink plates could help notify police -- and parents -- of another type of offender.

"It identifies them," said Rep. Michael DeBose, (D) 12th District. "The primary reason they can prey is because they're camouflaged from who they really are."

DeBose introduced a bill this week in the Ohio House suggesting mandatory pink license plates for sexual offenders so children know to stay away, Tate reported.