
The Fields of Fashion: Quantum Meme Theory

FADS, fashions and dramatic shifts in public opinion all appear to follow a physical law: one of the laws of magnetism. Quentin Michard of the School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry in Paris and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud of the Atomic Energy Commission in Saclay, France, were trying to explain three social trends: plummeting European birth rates in the late 20th century, the rapid adoption of cellphones in Europe in the 1990s and the way people clapping at a concert suddenly stop doing so. In each case, they theorised, individuals not only have their own preferences, but also tend to imitate others. "Imitation is deeply rooted in biology as a survival strategy," says Bouchaud. In particular, people frequently copy others who they think know something they don't. To model the consequences of imitation, the researchers turned to the physics of magnets. An applied magnetic field will coerce the spins of atoms in a magnetic material to point in a certain direction. And often an atom's spin direction pushes the spins of neighbouring atoms to point in a similar direction. And even if an applied field changes direction slowly, the spins sometimes flip all together and quite abruptly.
